We ask interviewees to answer five of the questions below:

·      What is the one book people should read to understand what you do?

·      Who is the one person, living or dead, in your profession who you most admire?

·      What have you seen lately that’s been inspiring?

·      What have you been associated with that has been inspiring?

·      What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you were 22? OR, what advice would you give to a young(er) person who wants to do what you do?

·      What would you do (or pursue) if money were no object?

·      What are you excited about now?

·      Do you have a pet?

·      What’s your favorite desktop/office item?

·      What website other than the major social, search, and news sites, do you have bookmarked?

If you’re being interviewed: You can answer via email or we’ll chat with you on the phone. You can edit your answers. Besides the answers, please provide a linkedin-ish headshot and one or more images relevant to your answers—work samples, book covers, event posters etc. If you’re strapped, we can find all of these.