Aaron King, Designer, On His Influences

Aaron King, Designer, On His Influences

Who is the one person, living or dead, in your profession who you most admire?

Georg Olden, one of the earliest African American designers, who have made it possible for designers like me. See his work here.

What have you seen lately that’s been inspiring?

The online conference Where Are The Black Designers?

 What would you do (or pursue) if money were no object?

Of course it would be design related. I would probably work on more projects that address homelessness and health issue.

What’s your favorite desktop/office item?

The Original House of Cards designed by Charles Eames.

What website other than the major social, search, and news sites, do you have bookmarked?

The Visual Capitalist. The Visual History of Pandemics is fascinating.

Design Observer. Fantastic discussions on design


Aaron King is Design Director at Perceptiv, a branding, marketing, and communications firm in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in the AIGA Year in Design, AIGA Show of Excellence, I.D. Magazine Design Review, Pixel Awards and the Western Art Directors Club. He is a graduate of The University of Michigan and currently lives in Pleasanton, California with his wife and two boys

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